Friday, April 27, 2012

Photos of Ron Paul at his Rally in Ft. Worth

These two photos are the best out of several that I took at the Ron Paul Rally in Fort Worth 4-11-12. There were 3,000 people at the Will Rogers Center in Ft. Worth. Some of the profound things that he said that I can remember was "You don't change the world by going to war with people". He said we should tolerate everyones freedom of religion, even be tolerant of atheists. This appealed to me becuase I am an agnostic(note any comments that try to start a religious debate will be deleted. This site promotes freedom of all beliefs). Dr. Paul also said his usual stuff, end the fed, end wars, balance the budget, etc  I had a fun time and so did my friend who went with me.We sat 10 rows away from the stage. I dont agree with every one of Dr. Paul's beliefs, I am socially liberal where he is not, but I agree with about 70% about of what he says. He is the best man for the job of presidency. See the whole speech here .

Friday, March 30, 2012

Princess Diana

Diana Princess of Wales truly was a graceful and beloved woman. All throughout the world she was beloved and adored by almost everyone. Then on the night of August 31st 1997 the world was silent as the Princess had been killed in a car accident when the car she was riding in with her boyfriend Dodi Fayed, an egyptian film producer, Henri Paul the driver, and their body guard Trevor Rees-Jones, crashed into a pillar of the Pont de l'Alma underpass in Paris, France. They were involved in a high speed chase where they were avoiding the paparzzi. The tragic death of one of the world's most beloved people seemed like an open and shut case of a tragic accident. However in the years since numerous bits of evidence have come out to indicate that Diana's death was a conspiracy.

The first piece of evidence that I want to look at is a handwritten letter written by Diana in 1993 where she writes "My husband is planning an accident in my car, brake failure or some serious head injury in order to make the path clear for him to marry Tiggy. Camilla is nothing more than a decoy so we are being used by the man in every sense oof the word." . The article also states that Dodi's father Mohammed al Fayed believes his son and Diana were murdered because Diana was pregnant and planning to announce their engagement soon, and Fayed believed that a muslim child would've screwed up the royal bloodline.
Operation Paget was an inquiry team set up by the Metropolitan police to investigate whether there was a conspiracy involved in the Death of the Princess. On Chapter 5 of their official report states that the 14 CCTV cameras in never captured the crash due to them going out. I think the footage has never been found.

Now multiple sources and tests state that the driver Henri Paul was intoxicated, and his intoxication was responsible for the deaths. Now, when you drive for Royalty or government they check you all the way back to the bed you were concieved in, there are no suprises. So would they allow a man who was drinking to drive the Princess? And If Henri Paul was as intoxicated as they make it sound would Diana and Dodi Fayed gotten into a car he was driving? In this video the comedian Paul Mooney sheds a lot of light on what he believes is an inside job involving Diana's death. He even explains the motive that most people believe that Diana was killed because she was involved with and possibly would've married a muslim and the royal family didnt want that or the kids to be exposed to a muslim culture, etc. So racism

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My issue with The Kindle and Nook

Thanks to our amazing technology in this country we have created devices that you can use to download digital copies of books without having to search far and wide for the actual copy. While this is a huge conveinence to many people, I have noticed that the Kindle and Nook can be detrimental to our future. Due to our technological boom I predict and I hope it doesnt come true, that books will be obsolete in the next generation. Now say 30 years from now, there are hardly any books left in the world, only kindle and nook, and other knockoffs where you can download digital books, well who's to say that in 30 years those devices wont have a chip or program in them that censors books or dissenting parts of books? If there are little to no books left in the future then in theory the makers of Kindle and Nook could alter or censor books that are downloadable, and since there will be no print books, nobody will be able to check to make sure that what is on screen is what is in the book, so nobody would be able to check to disprove censorship.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Bilderberg Club

Every year the world's elite in banking, royalty, media, politics, business, etc meet once per year at a determined hotel somewhere in the world to discuss matters that are completely secret,8599,2076789-1,00.html This group is known as the Bilderberg Group, but chances are you've never heard of it.

The Bilderberg group was created in 1954 when Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands wanted to bring together the elite of Europe and America.,8599,2076789-1,00.html. They are called bilderberg because the first meeting was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg near Arnhem in the Netherlands, and ever since the group has met in nice hotels around the world. Ususally coming to America every 4 years, they last met in Chantilly, Virginia in 2008.

Now some of you may be wondering what the big deal is? Well The world's elite are meeting in one place and until the past few years it rarely recieved any coverage except from independent news sites and journalists. Many people believe that since what the members discuss is kept secret that some kind of conspiracy about how to control the world and what their plans for controlling world events are. Why else would people like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Rick Perry, Gerald ford, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Prince Charles, and many more members of the world elite be meeting in secret, unless they had something to hide! (The list of memebers have citations to confirm their source) In this video Bill Clinton admits he attended Bilderberg while he was in Europe, Rick Perry admits it when he was confronted by an organization called We Are Change, skip to 1:05 to hear the question and his answer

What are these people doing at this conference? You know something is fishy when the world's elite in Banking, media, finance, royalty, politics, and business. You know our US politicians who meet with them violates the Federal Logan Act it is a law which forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a federal felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years. So if these people arent doing anything wrong, then why the secrecy about what goes on at the meetings? And why until only a few years ago was it just being reported in the mainstream media, when the conference has been meeting since 1954.

Now for an eerie quote from David Rockefeller
"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller, "Memoirs" autobiography (2002, Random House publishers), page 405

Some extra material to read about the bilderberg group/conference

Friday, February 17, 2012


We often hear that the majority of people in this country are independent voters and that the majority of people in this country are dissatisfied with congress and the president. Well you know what they sure dont vote that way! Look at this poll by Gallup, the approval rating for congress(look at the 3rd table) it shows that the approval rating for congress is barely in the double digits!, another poll shows that congress has a disaproval rating in the 80% range
People always claim that we need a strong 3rd party candidate and that the majority of people are independent voters. According to this gallup poll the majority of people are independent. YET THEY DONT VOTE THAT WAY! Everyone needs to get out there and vote! Thats why third party candidates don't do well is because almost everyone who votes believes that they can either vote for a democrat or a republican! People you have more options! If you are dissatisfied with both parties then vote for someone else, it doesnt matter what party they belong to vote for the ideas of the individual instead of the party they belong to. VOTING IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A HORSE RACE, you are NOT supposed to vote for who everyone believes is going to win, or who the candidate who always gets the most airtime. You have to vote your heart and conscience! And do not ever let anyone tell you that you have wasted your vote, if you dont vote heart and conscience then YOU HAVE WASTED YOUR VOTE!! Remember Jesse Ventura(my idol) and Angus King, won the governorship on wasted votes and they were the independent candidates!

Independent and third party candidates can win but they dont because people believe that their vote wont count or that they have to pick the winner because we want to be associated with winners. If you are tired of the two parties then vote for someone else no matter what party, even if it's the "rent is too damn high" party! Lastly I want to point out this fact. Abraham Lincoln was the third party candidate! In 1854 the modern day Republican party formed out of the Whig party. Fast forward to 1860 the Republican party only had a little representation in congress and wasnt condsiderd a major party until Abraham Lincoln won on the ticket, and during the election the Democratic party split into the democratic and the southern democratic party, and the Constitutional Union Party. So it was a four-way race, and Abe Lincoln won on the republican ticket, which at the time was considered a minor third party.

Obama's approval rating is at 46%  but people dont show how much they dissaprove when they vote.
Allow me to quote Jerry Garcia from the band Grateful Dead; "choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil".

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


An eerie quote from Adam Weishaupt the founder of the Illuminati.
"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is better than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will."-Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati in John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1793

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are the Democratic and Republican parties the same thing?

Are the Democratic and Republican parties different manifestations of the same thing? I believe they are. Let's play a game, make a derogatory comment about republicans, say for instance that they're fascists. Then make a similar derogatory comment about democrats, say for instance that they're socialists.
Lets try another set of examples (Author's note: I have a point and I am getting to it) Lets say Republicans are war mongerers, and that democrats claim that they go to war for "humanitarian intervention". Try thinking of more examples yourself. So with all these derogatory comments one should realize that these things are sort of the same thing, but with different names. Socialism and fascism are sort of the same thing, same as saying that republicans are war mongerers and that democrats use humanitarian intervention as an excuse to go to war. War is still war no matter what.

Trust me if these parties were so against each other then why do they compromise so much? Michelle Bachmann claims she is against Obamacare but yet when you look at the roll call for the final vote you'll see that Bachmann voted for it. It passed the house unanimously there were no "nays" from anyone. . Hell even Ron Paul, who I support even voted for it, but for reasons I have yet to determine, but I am sure he had a good reason. But in the debates both he and Bachmann have voiced opposition for it. This is just one example there are plenty more. See I think a lot of politics is like pro wrestling, on the screen when the cameras are rolling they pretend that they hate each other, but I'm sure the harsh reality is that behind closed doors a lot of these people are friends and make deals with each other and work together, etc.

Lastly watch this video by filmmaker and radio show host Alex Jones where he explains the false left-right paradigm and how both parties prop each other up with controversey placed on both sides while being controlled by the same powers and interest groups behind the scenes. .

Friday, February 3, 2012

Martial Law

Martial law is a very serious threat to the liberties of the American people, because it will allow indefinite detention of Americans without trial and they can be thrown into labor camps or prison camps, etc. The first document I want to look at is called the Civilian Inmate Labor Program which provides policy for creating labor camps and prison camps on army installations.

The next thing I want to look at is called REX 84, or Readiness Emergency Exercise 84 which was a drill developed by the US to suspend the constitution and place the military in charge of state and local governments. . The author of the plan Oliver North was questioned about it in the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987. When North was aked about the plan by Congressman Jack Brooks, North's lawyer says that the matter is irrelavant and that they could make arrangments to discuss it in an executive session. (Skip to :50to see the clip of the hearing) .

The next bill I want to show you is called H.R. 5122 A.K.A the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007. This bill allowed the president to declare martial law and take control of the National Guard without state governor authorization when the state cannot enforce the law.
Now for the text of the bill,Section 1076 of the massive Authorization Act, which grants the Pentagon another $500-plus-billion for its ill-advised adventures, is entitled, "Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies." Section 333, "Major public emergencies; interference with State and Federal law" states that "the President may employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States, the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of ("refuse" or "fail" in) maintaining public order, "in order to suppress, in any State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy." Click to see a PDF of the bill. Type sec.1076(exactly like that) into the search bar and hit enter, when it pulls up the table of contents hit enter again or go to pg. 322.

The definition of insurrection is "Revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government".
So if enough people resist a government then martial law can be declared by the president without approval of a the state governor.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ron Paul

I am tired of the media and everyone trying to ignore Ron Paul or saying that he's crazy and out of touch with the republican party. You know what, why is Ron Paul crazy? Because he wants to get out of all these unconstitutional wars, end foreign aid, end the war on drugs, have a non interventionist foreign policy where we get out of all these countries that we are stationed in, he wants to cut 1 trillion dollars, he believes the government should stay out the bedroom and that gay marriage should be left up to the states. He has always stuck to the constitution and voted against anything that is not directed to the federal government in the constitution. He is A TRUE CONSERVATIVE. A true conservative is someone who protects the constitutional rights, and advocates and legislates for a small national government, and states rights, as ron paul does. True conservatives believe that the government that governs least governs best". Ron Paul is a true conservative/libertarian and the only hope for america, he is not crazy or unelectable! Remember they said that angus king, Jesse Ventura, and ronald reagan were unelectable(I dont like reagan but I am trying to prove a point). Stop getting your information from demagouges on the mainstream media, and form your own opinions

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Was 9/11 an inside job?

Were the September 11th attacks of 2001 carried out by the U.S. government and other agencies? I believe they were. Throughout history governments have staged terror attacks as a way of promoting their own agenda. An example of this is Operation Northwoods; this was a plan developed by the department of defense to stage terror attacks and blame them on Cuba, as a pretext to invade. Some of the proposed attacks were, sinking a US ship and blaiming it on cuba, hijacking aircraft, etc. However when Kennedy saw this proposal he fired the man who wrote it.

Another false flag attack that was carried out was in 1953. Mohammed Mossadegh was the newly elected prime minister of Iran, and he refused to give up the Anglo-Iranian oil fields to British Pretroleum  so that they would have a monopoly. So British intelligence along with US inelligence staged a coup to make Mossadegh look bad and overthrow him so BP could have a monopoly. The link below is a new york times article, when clicked it will show a picture of documents on the right, click the picture to read the documents. .

Now on to the September 11th attacks. Long before the attacks ever occured there were many documents and memos stating that Osama Bin Laden had been determined to strike the United States and with hijacked aircraft. In 1995 The US was warned of a plot in which associates of Bin Laden wanted to hijack planes and crash them into the pentagon .
In January of 2001 counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke wrote a memo which proposed a plan to stop Al Qaeda before they did anymore damage, but sadly his warning was ignored. .
On July 10th 2001 Phoenix FBI agent Kenneth Williams sent out a memo warning that Osama Bin Laden was planning on sending students of his to the United States to learn how to operate aircraft and crash them into civilian targets. See page 4, .(I apologize for the quality of this document it was the best copy I could find, for a copy that has less blackouts checkout from a library or buy Jesse Ventura's book 63 Documents The Government Doesn't Want You to Read, and look on pg. 210). Needless to say Mr. Williams warnings were ignored as stated in this these articles: CNN . New York Times: .
Lastly lets look at a memo that President George W. Bush recieved on August 6th 2001, the memo was titled Bin Laden determined to strike in the US. This document states that since 1997 Osama Bin Laden was determined to strike in the US, and follow the example of the World Trade Center bomber. .

Now lets look at some other things unchronologically. One of the main questions that people wonder is why didnt the millitary intercept some of the planes that were under attack that day? Well a new law that was passed in June 1, 2001 stated that the Secretary of Defense had to give the approval to provide support in the event of an aircraft piracy(hijacking). . Now Transportation secretary Norman Mineta confronted Rumsfeld about this as the plane was minutes from the pentagon and Rumsfeld simply looked the other way. Mineta's testimony is given here . Now one cant say that Rummy didnt know about the attacks, well 2 had already occured in New York, and as SecDef it is very likely that he knew the attacks were occuring.
Now as for the towers ask yourself these questions. How could 2 towers fall at the speed of gravity approx 9 seconds unless the resistance was removed through something like demolition? This is the first time in history a major concrete steel structure has fallen down by fire. How could jet fuel which is 4/5 kerosene melt the thermite steel? Propane burns hotter than that, if I leave my grill on for 3 hrs will the grates melt? Remember the smoke was extremely dark, and darker smoke means a fire is dying. How did building 7 fall? It was not hit by a plane at all, but the official story is that it collapsed due to fire. Well its owner Larry Silverstein was recorded saying "Pull it" a demolition term!
And Barry Jennings was trapped in building 7 for a few hours and he swore until the day he died that he heard explosions all over the building. He died mysteriously after giving an interview with BBC in 2008. Skip to 2:50 to hear his testimony(note this wasnt his BBC interview, this was a seperate one he did in 2007 for a movie called Loose Change: The Final Cut)

Now lets look at some other strange things such as George Bush's connection to the Bin Laden family. In 1977 George W. Bush founded Arbusto energy, along with several investors . One of those investors was a man named James R. Bath, who was the former director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International, well it just so happens that Bath invested with Salem Bin Laden the older half-brother of Osama Bin Laden.
Here is another interesting piece of information many members of the Bin Laden family were investors of the Carlyle group, who's senior advisor was George HW Bush! Hell the members of the Carlyle group were meeting at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington D.C. on September 11th 2001! One of the members they were meeting with was Shafiq Bin Laden another one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers. .

Lastly the other little oddity that I want to point out was that in NOVEMBER 2001 Anwar Al-Awlaki one of Al Qaeda's leading men was invited to a luncheon with the military brass at the Pentagon! Fox news reported it, now I know that Fox news isnt the most accurate news media, but they did include government documents. Here is the Fox News article: . HERE IS A PDF OF THE FBI DOCUMENT: .
Now If you still arent convinced because of Fox News's reputation then here is a CBS news article. .

All in all one can conclude from my evidece that there was a conspiracy involving the attacks of September 11th, or you have to admit there was at least negligence on the part of the US government.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Government documents

This is Operation Northwoods. During the Kennedy administration the defense department wanted stage terror attacks and blame them on Cuba,as a pretext to got to war with them. Bit when Kennedy saw this proposal on his desk he fired the person who wrote it! To see the list of attacks go to page 7. .
This is a document(accompanied by a new york times article) that Shows that the US helped Britain stage a coup to overthrow the Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 and put the Shah of Iran into Power. All because Mossadegh wouldnt give britain his oil fields so they would have a monopoly.
These next documents are on Project MKULTRA. A program where the CIA conducted experiments on unwilling subjects to control their mind and behavior. . .
This isnt really a document but it is about REX 84 a plan that was passed in 1984. It would suspend the constitution and put the millitary in charge of the state and local governments, and detain anyone they deem as a national security threat. The first link is a wikipedia link just to read about the plan. The second link is A clip of a hearing of Lutienent Colonel Oliver North who wrote it. When asked about it he sits back with a smirk and lets his lawyer answer, and his lawyer DOESNT deny it. .
(Skip to :50to see the clip of the hearing) .
This is a fox news article(IT COMES WITH AN FBI DOCUMENT) that shows that Anwar Al-Awlaki who was one of al Qeada's leading men and number three on the CIA's capture and kill list, was invited to DINE AT THE PENTAGON MONTHS AFTER 9-11. The PDF file is the FBI document .
This is the last document. This one shows that the US millitary conducted experiments on their soldiers WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT during the Gulf War!. Infecting them with radiation, mustard gas, hallucinogens, and investigational drugs. .

Project FUBELT was a series of Covert actions by the CIA greenlighted by Henry Kissinger and Nixon to Overthrow the Chilean president elect Salvator Allende


The SOPA/PIPA law that is coming out is only the first of many attempts to censor the internet. The lawmakers claim that these bills will enforce copyright infringment laws, end pirating, and force websites to police their users. My comment on that is that many sites rely on pirating and copyright infringment: youtube, hulu,porn sites,blogs, piratebay, etc. This is censorship, and it will only get worse! What will their next excuse be, to remove dissent because it could cause deranged people to commit crimes? Trust me sometimes piracy or copyright infringment isnt aways a bad thing. Also on a side note the federal government has no right to pass legislation to control the internet. All powers not directed to the federal government are directed to the states or people, according to the 9th and 10th ammendments of the United States Constitution.

The bill below is titled: "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010". It basically allows the president the power to shut down the infastructure.