Friday, February 17, 2012


We often hear that the majority of people in this country are independent voters and that the majority of people in this country are dissatisfied with congress and the president. Well you know what they sure dont vote that way! Look at this poll by Gallup, the approval rating for congress(look at the 3rd table) it shows that the approval rating for congress is barely in the double digits!, another poll shows that congress has a disaproval rating in the 80% range
People always claim that we need a strong 3rd party candidate and that the majority of people are independent voters. According to this gallup poll the majority of people are independent. YET THEY DONT VOTE THAT WAY! Everyone needs to get out there and vote! Thats why third party candidates don't do well is because almost everyone who votes believes that they can either vote for a democrat or a republican! People you have more options! If you are dissatisfied with both parties then vote for someone else, it doesnt matter what party they belong to vote for the ideas of the individual instead of the party they belong to. VOTING IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A HORSE RACE, you are NOT supposed to vote for who everyone believes is going to win, or who the candidate who always gets the most airtime. You have to vote your heart and conscience! And do not ever let anyone tell you that you have wasted your vote, if you dont vote heart and conscience then YOU HAVE WASTED YOUR VOTE!! Remember Jesse Ventura(my idol) and Angus King, won the governorship on wasted votes and they were the independent candidates!

Independent and third party candidates can win but they dont because people believe that their vote wont count or that they have to pick the winner because we want to be associated with winners. If you are tired of the two parties then vote for someone else no matter what party, even if it's the "rent is too damn high" party! Lastly I want to point out this fact. Abraham Lincoln was the third party candidate! In 1854 the modern day Republican party formed out of the Whig party. Fast forward to 1860 the Republican party only had a little representation in congress and wasnt condsiderd a major party until Abraham Lincoln won on the ticket, and during the election the Democratic party split into the democratic and the southern democratic party, and the Constitutional Union Party. So it was a four-way race, and Abe Lincoln won on the republican ticket, which at the time was considered a minor third party.

Obama's approval rating is at 46%  but people dont show how much they dissaprove when they vote.
Allow me to quote Jerry Garcia from the band Grateful Dead; "choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil".

1 comment:

  1. It's responsible voting. Register to vote. Study and understand the Constitution of the United States of America. Do the research on the candidates and vote using the Constitution of the United States of America as your guide. If you don't have faith and confidence in the candidate, don't waste your vote. It's not hard. It's our vote until we choose to give it over to special interest organizations.
