Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are the Democratic and Republican parties the same thing?

Are the Democratic and Republican parties different manifestations of the same thing? I believe they are. Let's play a game, make a derogatory comment about republicans, say for instance that they're fascists. Then make a similar derogatory comment about democrats, say for instance that they're socialists.
Lets try another set of examples (Author's note: I have a point and I am getting to it) Lets say Republicans are war mongerers, and that democrats claim that they go to war for "humanitarian intervention". Try thinking of more examples yourself. So with all these derogatory comments one should realize that these things are sort of the same thing, but with different names. Socialism and fascism are sort of the same thing, same as saying that republicans are war mongerers and that democrats use humanitarian intervention as an excuse to go to war. War is still war no matter what.

Trust me if these parties were so against each other then why do they compromise so much? Michelle Bachmann claims she is against Obamacare but yet when you look at the roll call for the final vote you'll see that Bachmann voted for it. It passed the house unanimously there were no "nays" from anyone. . Hell even Ron Paul, who I support even voted for it, but for reasons I have yet to determine, but I am sure he had a good reason. But in the debates both he and Bachmann have voiced opposition for it. This is just one example there are plenty more. See I think a lot of politics is like pro wrestling, on the screen when the cameras are rolling they pretend that they hate each other, but I'm sure the harsh reality is that behind closed doors a lot of these people are friends and make deals with each other and work together, etc.

Lastly watch this video by filmmaker and radio show host Alex Jones where he explains the false left-right paradigm and how both parties prop each other up with controversey placed on both sides while being controlled by the same powers and interest groups behind the scenes. .

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