Monday, January 23, 2012

Ron Paul

I am tired of the media and everyone trying to ignore Ron Paul or saying that he's crazy and out of touch with the republican party. You know what, why is Ron Paul crazy? Because he wants to get out of all these unconstitutional wars, end foreign aid, end the war on drugs, have a non interventionist foreign policy where we get out of all these countries that we are stationed in, he wants to cut 1 trillion dollars, he believes the government should stay out the bedroom and that gay marriage should be left up to the states. He has always stuck to the constitution and voted against anything that is not directed to the federal government in the constitution. He is A TRUE CONSERVATIVE. A true conservative is someone who protects the constitutional rights, and advocates and legislates for a small national government, and states rights, as ron paul does. True conservatives believe that the government that governs least governs best". Ron Paul is a true conservative/libertarian and the only hope for america, he is not crazy or unelectable! Remember they said that angus king, Jesse Ventura, and ronald reagan were unelectable(I dont like reagan but I am trying to prove a point). Stop getting your information from demagouges on the mainstream media, and form your own opinions

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