Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Machine.

Picture America as a giant machine. Now the purpose of this machine is to grow and expand its power. Now inside the machine are big gears such as: major businesses, federal govt agencies, beauracracies, interest groups, military indrustrial complex, etc. Medium gears: State governments, national guards, major state businesses, state beauracrasies, etc. Lastly there are small gears: Small bsuinesses, individuals, and the minor things that contribute to society.

Say a scandal or controversey occurs, these will be knows as jams or cogs well say if they jam a major gear the machine cant fuction if the major gears are jammed, they can if small gears are jammed though. Let's take a couple conspiracies and apply the machine analogy to them. COINTELPRO this was a series of covert ops carried out by the fbi and they would spy, infiltrate, have the media run smear campaigns, start fights in, or break up and arrest members of activist groups like Civil rights groups, womens rights, black panther groups, etc. If you were a major movement of dissenters COINTELPRO would screw up your life. Now the media did NOT report on this at all because it affects the individual(small gears) not the major gears. So COINTELPRO is one of the few legitimate conspiracies.

Lets talk about watergate and the lewinski scandal. These affected the machine and the major gears, so the media had to go into damage control to remove the cogs otherwise the machine wouldn't be able to function. This is one among many reasons why things like 9-11 or this birther controversey aren't true. They affect the major gears of the machine, and the machine can't function if the major gears are jammed.

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