Monday, January 7, 2013


The title of this is pretty self explanatory. Since about las march I have really stopped believing in most conspiracies. I was focusing on how there could've been instead of how there couldnt be conspiracies. Once I looked into the opposing viewpoints and videos and evidence debunking them it became clear that I was brainwashed. There is no 9-11 conspiracy, no New World Order, no Illuminati, The birther/obama is a muslim thing is crap, and austrian economics has all but been discredited by academics.

There are a FEW legitimate conspiracies such as COINTELPRO, Wilson's red scare, Iran Contra, Watergate, The clinton scandals, but most of our countries nefariousness is carried out through foreign policy if you read the works of Academics and intellectuals such as Christopher Hitchens, Noam Chomsky, and Michael Parenti.

Below are a few videos that opened my eyes.

Noam Chomsky discussing 9-11 conspiracy theorists

Noam Chomsky dispels 9/11 conspiracies with logic

Michale Parenti on Conspiracies.

Remember you can find evidence for anything, if you don't believe me play 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, but the evidence must pass logic and survive Academic peer reviews. If anyone wants to debate me then drop me some comments. BE WARNED ANY ANTI-SEMITISM OR RACIST REMARKS will result in deletion and not even be worth arguing

ALSO I WILL BE CHANGING THE DIRECTION OF THIS BLOG, to include social criticisms, injustices, movie, tv, and actor reviews as well as comedian reviews.

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